BRAIN MUSH is something that you might have!
Your mom, dad, sister, brother, might even have it!
Maybe you don't even know you have it!
BRAIN MUSH is when our brain decides to be a little bit lazy.
Our body might become lazy and we might become COUCH POTATOES!
We might not even be doing any of the chats online with our teachers or any of the work that our teacher has sent us! THIS IS BRAIN MUSH TOO!!
Here are ten TIPS AND TRICKS to defeat BRAIN MUSH to get your brain working the way it was BORN TO WORK!
1. Make sure you are calm and cool as a cucumber (in the Green Zone!)
2. Do one active thing a day (something that gets your heart beating faster)--go outside if it is a nice day!!!
3. Go to bed at the same time every night (or as much as you can)....this does not mean staying up super late!!!!!
4. Wake up at the same time every morning.
5. Eat good foods...even vegetables and fruit...real ones...not gummy ones!
6. Drink lots of water.
7. Pick only ONE or TWO school things to do each day. THAT'S IT! If you are doing no school work right now...ONE or TWO THINGS the teacher has sent you is better than ZERO things!
8. Try not to watch TV or play video games more than ONE HOUR a day (combined!). TV and VIDEO GAMES and ELECTRONICS help make our brain MUSHY.
9. Say nice things to yourself when things are tough.
10. CLEAN YOUR ROOM (no...your mom did not tell me to say this....) A TIDY ROOM HELPS YOU FOCUS BETTER!